The Italian Abroad Wine Blog is a wine blog and diary where I share my thoughts, primarily about Italian wine and food, but also on wine, food, and travel in general. I founded in 2003 and have been living abroad for over 20 years. Coming from an Italian winemaking family, I was introduced to wine at a very early age. While my roots are in Italian wine, I appreciate and enjoy good wine from all over the world, alongside great food and the joys of travel. My posts often weave these passions together.
To help you better understand Italian wines, we've created a series of Italian wine regions maps that show DOC and DOCG wines, their origins and the grapes they are made of, including your favorite Italian wines. I’ve also written a post on the Italian wine appellation system explaining and demystifying the Italian wine classification system and what it really means for wine lovers and enthusiasts.
Additionally, I host a YouTube channel , where you can watch me taste some of our wines and answer your questions about Italian wines and grapes. From the meaning of DOC to what makes an orange wine, we cover it all.
I hope you enjoy reading this wine blog! Feel free to reach out with any questions.
Christmas is upon us and plenty of special bottles of wine will be open over the coming days to celebrate, here is our 4 tips on how to enjoy them at their best. Simple measures that can literally transform your wine drinking experience
Natural wines are made without any human intervention, only natural yeast, no additions or corrections, the juice becomes wines following its own rhythm. Organic and biodynamic wines are wines certified by a third party, confirming that they have been made according their respective regulations, for natural wines there isn’t yet a third party that can certify their being “natural” and currently it is up to the interpretation given to the word by the wine maker and it is possible, to find “natural wines” made following different approaches with different results
Selfridges recently announced that all their own label food products do not contain palm oil. We never made any announcement but all our products not only do not contain are palm oil free, but always been, since day one, since we started, since 2003, where very few people were talking about palm oil
The solution to the problem is not reducing or prohibiting or adding taxes, if this is the idea, the government will undoubtedly fail, the solution is educating, parents before children, creating spaces where children can play safely and run and sweat, where not only they will be able to burn the calories but also learn other social skills like communicating, sharing space with other children
When buying for our pets we read the labels, the ingredients, we spend time and money, we want to know what we are giving them, when buying our own food the main driver seems to be the price, the offer, the deal, we never check the ingredients or ask ourselves whether these are the things we want to put inside our body. Always remember, you get what you pay for
Prosecco has become the cheapest “appellation” sparkling wine in the UK shelves and as such it is competing with all other cheap sparkling wines. Prosecco has become a commodity, and when a product becomes one, it loses its brand loyalty, this is why Prosecco sales are going down whether the consortium wants to admit it or not.
Natural wines were the wines made long time ago, when we did not know all we now know about wine and wine making process and today technology wasn’t available, wineries were still pretty much building with barrels and everything was done manually, from pressing the grapes to bottling. I started my wine journey drinking natural wines, wine made by my grandparents
There is no other country offering the diversity of Italian wines. We could look at some of the numbers of the Italian wine industry from grapes grown to wines made, still it will not offer a real snapshot of the Italian wine offering and yes, Italy has a long way to fully realise its potential and become a wine powerful nation, beyond the quantity, still too much poor quality wine is made and sold, damaging the whole Italian wine brand but if you know where to go, there is no other country like Italy
Italian news, tips and offers before anyone else
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