
Home » Recipes » Prosciutto caldo croccante alla salvia

Prosciutto caldo croccante alla salvia


8 slice of ham
8 Sage leaves
50 gr radicchio
50 gr rocket
50 gr curly lettuce or endives
50 gr watercress
Extra Virgin Olive oil
Balsamic vinegar

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Prosciutto caldo croccante alla salvia, crunchy warm ham with sage, is a delicious and easy to make starter for all seasons


Start with preparing the salad, clean and cut the various lettuces, wash and drain well, arrange in the centre of individual plates. Select a good ham, possibly cured for richer flavours, slice the prosciutto a little thicker than normal.

In a pan, with extra virgin olive oil, fry the slice of ham and 8 leaves of sage until almost crispy, and add a touch of vinegar, better if balsamic, for a few minutes. When ready, put the the slices of prosciutto and sage on top of the salad and pour the liquid on top and serve immediately. Delicious

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