
Home » Recipes » Nduja and mozzarella pasta

Nduja and mozzarella pasta


(4 portions)

400gr short pasta (ideally fusilli or penne)
1 or 2 mozzarella

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Nduja and mozzarella pasta is an easy to make, quick, full of flavour pasta recipe with nduja and mozzarella, a fresh and delicious option when time is against and don't feel eating microwaved food


Start by boiling the water for the pasta. Then on a pan pour some extra virgin olive oil and 3 or 4 spoons of nduja depending on how spicy you like the pasta and let it melt. Cut the mozzarella in small pieces and put aside.

Once the nduja has melted move the pan on the side. Meanwhile, when the water starts boiling add some rock salt and then the pasta and cook. Follow the cooking time on the bag but a couple of minute before the pasta should be ready, taste it, the pasta needs to be about a minute away from being al dente, drain the water leaving some and transfer it in the pan with the Nduja. Toss until the pasta becomes covered by the sauce and then finish off adding the mozzarella scattered. One more minute in the pan and the pasta is ready to be served.

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