Three handfuls of raisins in water
3 Eggs
200 g Sugar
100 g Melted butter
150 g Plain flour
1 Teaspoon of vanilla powder
15 g yeast
1/2 Cup of milk
Grated lemon rind
Soak about three handfuls of raisins in water. Mix 3 eggs with 200 grams of sugar and slowly add 100 grams of melted butter 150 grams of flour, 1 teaspoon of vanilla powder, 15 grams of yeast, half a cup of milk and grated lemon rind.
Stirring in each ingredient slowly and completely. Finally, stir in three handfuls of pine nuts and the pre-soaked raisins. Add a pinch of salt. Butter and flour a baking dish, at least 25 centimeters in diameter.
Pour the mixture into it and distribute evenly. Remove peel and core of 4 large apples. Ideally use red apple. Cut them into slices and lay them on the mixture evenly dispersed.
Cook in a medium hot oven for an hour. Let cool, sprinkle with powdered sugar if desired. Autumn is a special and very unique time in Italy.
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